

Kenya | Laikipia

Laikipia Overview

Laikipia is host to the second highest density of wildlife in Kenya. The vast 9,500km2 plateau offers guests the opportunity to experience different environments from open woodland to dry savannahs and low, forested valleys. Stretching from the slopes of Mount Kenya to the Great Rift Valley, it is a natural and spectacular hub for conservation and is noted as a great example for the coexistence of communities, ranches and wildlife. 

A groundbreaking partnership between the Masai and Samburu communities, private investors and conservation organisations has enabled the region to balance economic development, tourism and indeed conservation.

When is the best time to visit?

Laikipia is good to visit all year round however there are typically heavy rains from mid March to late May.

From December to mid-March, the days are hot and sunny, usually with clear skies.

What activities are available?
  • Game Drives
  • Guided Bush Walks
  • Mountain Biking
  • Horse Riding
  • Camel Trekking
  • Fly Camping
  • Fishing
  • Bird Watching
  • Lion Tracking
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Laikipia Accommodation

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Governors Mugie House
Elewana Loisaba Tented Camp
Ol Malo House
Borana Lodge
Lengishu Lodge
"If I have ever seen magic, it has been Africa" John Hemmingway

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