Tsavo West

Finch Hattons

Kenya | Tsavo West

Tsavo West Overview

This stunning savannah ecosystem comprises of open grasslands, scrublands, and Acacia woodlands, belts of riverine vegetation and rocky ridges including the Poacher's Lookout where visitors can see the teeming herds in the plains below. One of Kenya’s largest national parks, it spans 9065 km2 and offers guests the opportunity to experience diverse landscapes from swamps, springs, black lava flows and rocky ridges to rolling grasslands and Acacia woodlands.

Tsavo West provides some of the most incredible game viewing in the world and attractions include elephant, rhino, Hippos, lions, cheetah, leopards, Buffalos, diverse plant and bird species including the threatened corncrake and near threatened Basra Reed Warbler.

What activities are available?
  • Day Game Drives
  • Bird Watching


When is the best time to visit?

Kenya is good to visit all year round however there are typically heavy rains from mid March to late May. From December to mid-March, the days are hot and sunny, usually with clear skies.

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Finch Hattons
Finch Hattons
Finch Hattons
"If I have ever seen magic, it has been Africa" John Hemmingway

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